By appointment; please ring ahead
Call Us: +353 (0) 87 399 5281
Glasganny, Castlebridge, Co Wexford, Y35 T320
WebLuvr Expo 2016
Eden Home & Fire were thrilled to participate in WebluvrExpo in Clayton Whites Hotel, Wexford which took place on 2nd and 3rd of April.
The WebLuvr Expo was a great opportunity to see what Irish based e-commerce businesses' like ourselves had to offer. Over 100 Exhibitors showcased the Best Irish Products Available Online - there was a huge range of amazing products/ services: Food, Fashion, Art & Design, Health & Beauty, Craft Furniture - you name it, WebLuvr had it!

Not only that, we had the pleasure of listening to some truly inspirational speakers give solid advice on all things business related.
Among the many speakers were:
Samantha Kelly @twittinggoddess
Talked about Twitter for Business
Tom Banville @tombanville from Local Enterprise Office
Gave some worthwhile advice for startups
Ryan Margolin @ryanmargolin
Explained why you don’t want to be on the second page on Google.
Cool Bean Company @CoolBeanCompany
Presented The Cool Beans Story – Growing your business and Brand
Pixelpod @thepixelpod
Explained how 'Great Design Can Transform Your Business'
Aoife Cody Kane @aoife_codykane
Talked about online safety for teens
All in all, it was a very informative, insightful event for all SME's like ourselves. We even had the very best of local music to keep us entertained in the evening such as J.M.A & Frankenstein Bolts.
Not only did we learn alot, we met some really amazing people who we can now call friends! The talent this bunch displayed was simply awesome...big shout out to our fellow exhibitors who made the weekend such good fun....check these guys out for some super cool products and services that will blow your socks off!
Hairless Beauty PixelPod Cool Beans Colourstick Jin Y​ong Art Bubbles & Spice Life Kitchen Zaerie Holos Blazing Logos My Lady Bug Busy Beaders My Mood & Me Gillian Hayes Lettings Pinnacle Productions Arthurstown Brewing Co.
Art Panther Bettina Meyler Artist Martina McAteer Artist
The Expo was a huge success with crowds of people attending each day to soak up the Art, Music and delicious food. We relished the chance to establish lots of great contacts and would like to thank Declan & Kathy for having us at this great event.
Wishing the organisers and exhibitors the best of luck in their enterprises. We will definitely stay in touch and hope to see you all again next year! Roll on WebLuvr's 2017!